Super Mero

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Where are the keys to happiness?

Any idea what has made you who and what you are?  Since most of us right now are at home, this is a great time to really analyze ourselves, and really go within.  Have conversations with each other about what really makes us who and what we are.  Most people spend the majority of their life running away from thought and just accept what is.  I used to be this person.  I always had to have some kind of noise in the background to keep the thoughts away. We are all capable of arriving at a place where we are comfortable with our thoughts and silence.  I promise!

Habitual thought and not environment or circumstance has made you who and what you are.  If you are wanting to change who and what you are, you must first get a new mental picture of yourself.  Ha!  Easier said than done!

First off, what is habitual thought?  These are the thoughts you have continuously, both positive and negative, and are so engrained you often have them and are not even aware of them.  These are thoughts like “I could never have that, or I can’t do that, or I am so fat and lazy, or my dad said I am stupid and I know that I am, or I have no money, or nobody wants me.”   I am sure many of you can relate to these types of thoughts. 

I think we can also agree that some of the things we repeatedly say to ourselves we would NEVER say to anyone else.  Do you know, this is a form of abuse?  Why do we think it is ok to speak to ourselves this way? 

When we are young, it is inherent in our self-image that we pay attention to what others think of us.  Let’s face it, children are cruel.  Children learn judgement and racism from their home environment, magazines, television, and social media.  This judgment is then passed on to eachother through facial expressions, conversations, or lack thereof, social media posts etc.  Our parents tell us to ignore this behavior, but our peers are so important to us, we believe their words and actions of how they treat us on a subconscious level.  And so the negative habitual thoughts and inner dialogue begin. 

If we want to be great and live our best life, we get what we give.  If we are constantly thinking negative, that is what we get.  If we are constantly thinking positive, that is what we get.  The question is, with the Covid-19 energy of fear and scarcity around us, how can we continue to think positive?  Turn off the television and social media.  UNPLUG! 

Greatness can only be attained by the constant thinking of great thoughts.  No one can become great in personality until he is great within and no one can be great until he thinks.  Use the phrases, I am, I can and I will.  When you find yourself saying things like I can’t do that, replace with I can do that and I will do that!  There is greatness inside each of us. 

The true keys to happiness and who and what we are, are in our own pocket!~Shirene