What is it to be ORIGINAL?

Ever thought about what it is to be ORIGINAL?  Is it the car you drive?  The house you live in?  The tattoos you have on your body?  The job you have?  No none of that is original.  It is simply societies way of establishing what it is to be the same and breeds judgment.

 I think unless you live in a bubble and in the dark, we are all on some level always influenced by others.  We see on television and in magazines how if you eat certain food, you drink certain drinks, you wear certain clothes you will have more friends, you will be happy person and those around you will be happy.  When in fact what is really happening is society and the media are telling you what you need.  This mentality breeds insecurity, anxiety, and can enable feelings of inadequacy. 

Then of course you add social media to this thought process, and everything is magnified.  STOP!  UNPLUG! 

Most cell phones have a screen time review.  When was the last time you actually paid attention to your screen time?  I recently did and was astounded!  And I wonder why I feel anxious?  Make a commitment to unplug from the news and social media.  I left my phone in the kitchen today while I was working and literally felt like I was missing something.  Seriously?  I have a problem.  NO MORE!

I need to renew my own sense of my original self and that will not happen reading about other problems etc. on social media!

The meaning of original according to the dictionary is:  belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something.  We are all born original in every aspect of our being.  There is not another human exactly like you!  Even identical twins are original.

Do we really want to be like everyone else?  I certainly do not.  Although I will admit when I was young I did.  I have always stood out in the crowd standing 6”2 as a woman is pretty darn original and having a name like Shirene, I have embraced my own sense of self and wear my originality very well. 

Let’s commit from this day forward to wear our own sense of ORIGINAL self in the best possible way and forget what everyone else is doing!  Focus on your self and always being the best version of you!~Shirene