There is a new Super Hero in town!

As our world begins to come back to life, there is a new Super Hero emerging around us. With powers of Motivation, Empowerment, and the ability to renew ones own sense of originality when faced with adversity.  This Super Hero is able to harness the power of innovation, kindness, love, and gratitude and share it with others.  This Super Hero knows how to choose thoughts, habits and how to create and live their best life. This Super Hero is inside each of us.  Grab a mirror, because this Super Hero is a Super MEro and it is YOU!  YOU are a Super MEro, the best Super Hero ever!

These Super MEros, are YOU!

YOU, the parents who are home schooling your children and maneuvering the challenges of being home 100% of the time.  YOU, the teachers who are teaching our children via challenging platforms.  YOU, the aviation employees who are carrying passengers safely to their final destinations.  YOU, the front line health care employees who are ensuring our world is safe for all of us.  YOU, the food suppliers who are ensuring our food is prepared, packaged and delivered in a timely manner so we all can eat.   YOU, the store employees who are ensuring we have groceries and supplies to purchase.  YOU, the amazing person who is reading these words in anticipation of some form of inspiration.  YOU are all Super MEro’s and as I write these words, I am profoundly grateful for each and everyone of YOU!

I know you are asking, what is a Super MEro? MEro is M= Motivation, E= Empowerment, and r= renew ones own sense of o=originality.

A Super MEro embraces three major life principles.  Eisenstein’s theory of the Universal Force of Love.  How thoughts and habits create our life, and most important the power of words.  Einstein believed love is light and the essence of our existence.  We must master the force of love within us and realize the full potential of what it is to love ourselves and those around us.  We must also create positive thoughts and create habits to support and create our best life. Most important of all, stand guard to the word choices we use and understand the power of I AM. I CAN and I WILL.

We all have the ability to choose to show up as our best self in everything we do. Life is about choices and consequences, good bad and indifferent.  We can choose to be angry, worried, happy, sad, and fifty million other feelings.  We are 100% responsible for those thoughts and feelings. Always remember, we are all humans having a human experience in all that we do. The true test is how we maneuver through the human experience.   Will we claim victim of circumstance?  Will we shrug it off in denial?  Will we accept the status quo of what is?  Or, will we recognize the gifts we are presented with in the adversity, and move forward?  It’s all a choice.  This is your life, not a practice game.  

Right now our world is facing a state of emergency mental health crisis.  With unemployment at the highest rate since the Great Depression.  Most of us living under lock down, and the largest sense of isolation we have ever faced.  It's time to say enough!  We are all taught to accept what is.  We have not been taught to think.  Especially how to think our way out of adversity.  It is time to start to think.  Think about what you want.  Think about what you want from your life.?  Again, this is your life and not a practice game.  Do you know people spend more time planning a two week vacation than they do their life?  

It’s safe to say, the majority of us will not be able to continue with life as we knew it.  But, ask yourself, do I really want to return to that life? Or do I want to invent a new one?  Everything is a choice.  But first you must think about what you want and be very clear. Next, create habits that support what you want, and the rest will follow. Let's lead and inspire those around us to show up as their best self and emerge as the newest Super Hero!  Here's to Super MEro’s everywhere!  ~Sirene