Super Mero

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The Power is in YOU!

You have the power to heal yourself, and you need to know that.  We think so often that we are helpless but were not.  We always have the power of our minds.  Claim and consciously use your power.” ~Louise Hay

The only thing we have complete control over is our thoughts.  We can choose positive or negative thoughts; it is all up to us in any given moment. 

In school we are not taught to think.  We are taught to follow.  Occasionally we will have an instructor that forces us to think outside the box and open our minds to different possibilities.  Perhaps you have been fortunate enough to have experienced many of these teachers in your life, I certainly have.

Our life is simply our thoughts + our daily habits = our life.

Right now, with all the negativity we are surrounded by, is the perfect time to unplug and heal yourself.  Heal your mind from negative thoughts of lack and scarcity and heal our words to kindness and intention.

As we become more and more isolated due to our situation in the world right now, it is imperative we come together as people and become intentional.  By this I mean, the thoughts we think and the words we choose to speak to ourselves and to others.  We must also include a sense of gratitude for EVERYTHING we have in our lives.

Can we agree that we will NEVER speak to anyone more than we speak to ourselves?  Some of the things we choose to say to ourselves, we would NEVER say out loud to another person.  So why do we think it is ok to speak to ourselves this way?  It has to do with out conditioning and habits over time.  The older we get the stronger the habits of negative self-talk have become and the harder it is to shift to a positive inner dialogue, but it can be done.  I am living proof. 

I went from wanting to drive off a bridge in 2016 to a life of inspiring others!  Over the course of the next few days/weeks I will offer suggestions on how to flip the switch in our thoughts to an intentional positive inner dialogue.  I’m not going to lie, it will be work.  I have always said that it is not always easy, but always worth it.  When we really think about it, it was choosing the easy route that got us to our negative inner dialogue.

Let’s commit today to heal our minds from negativity, fear, scarcity and lack to one of abundance, love, kindness and be intentional about everything we choose!~Shirene