The lies we tell ourselves!

“The only thing more powerful than the lies we tell ourselves, the smoke and mirrors we think others believe, is the realization that we don’t even believe ourselves anymore…”~Robin

I think we can all understand why we may tell someone a small mistruth every now and again, but why tell yourself mistruths or lies.  The truth is most of us lie to ourselves many times throughout the day.  We learn to justify things that we know to be wrong.  We learn to say yes when we actually mean no because we do not want to hurt someone’s feelings.  We learn to accept what is instead of questioning the why.  We learn to judge someone because of their appearance, material possessions, etc.  We learn to think we are somehow better than the next person, when in fact we are ultimately made of love and kindness.  We learn to dislike someone because they are different than us.  The point is, the lies we tell ourselves are all learned behaviors.  So, if they are then learned, why is it so hard to unlearn.

I promise you, it can be done.  The way our world is headed right now, it is even more important we all wake up and pay attention to the little lies and mistruths we think, feel and say.  Now is always the perfect time for change.

These lies are as simple as telling yourself I am going to the gym today and then creating every excuse not to.  Or, you tell yourself, you will steer clear of carbs for a week and the next thing you know you are steering away from the drive through window with your burger, fries and shake.  Why lie to ourselves?  Why not just speak your truth and just have a conversation with yourself like this….”Self, I know we agreed I would not eat carbs for a week, however, I am really craving the burger, fries, and shake, what do you think?  Is this in alignment with my truth and the life I choose to live?”  Yes, I have had many conversations with myself, exactly like this one!  It works, trust me.  You open the dialogue with yourself and before you know it, the lies you are telling yourself are very limited at best.

There is a code of conduct that all superhero’s live by.  To really be able to step up and step into the greatest version of yourself and emerge a Super MEro, you must embrace The Super MEro Code.  Thought, Imagination, Truth, Love, Intention, Belief, Acceptance, and Repetition all combined create the best version of you! 

The next time you are conflicted and find yourself turning into the parking lot of the nearest drive through, have a conversation with yourself and let the lies you would tell yourself just keep on driving away! ~Shirene