Self love is the best Super Power EVER!

What do you think when you think Super Powers? Perhaps the words you think of strength, the ability to protect and serve man kind, the ability to fly and transform, speed, and even mind control. Well, when we really think about our super heroes and their super powers, it is really self love all wrapped up in a neat package labeled Super Hero. What is we took these powers and internalized them to harness our own gifts and talents to be the greatest version of ourselves for ourself and for the Women that ?

When we truly love ourselves and appreciate our own self and who we are, then we ARE the greatest version of ourselves and thus a true Super Hero or Super MEro . Someone that loves themselves is able to embrace alone time, not loneliness, but true alone time. Time to reflect on their life, their growth as a person, “Think time.”

When we truly love ourselves, we can take ourselves on dates and feel confident in our alone self. Go to dinner by yourself, travel by yourself for vacation, live alone. These are all things we do when we love ourselves.

As women, we tend to get so wrapped up in our children and families lives that we may forget who we are. Women that have been married for a very long time or who are married to narcissistic men. Hmm, sign me up for that one! I have lived that nightmare. Never again! I am so in love with my life at this point and who I am choosing to be along with what I am choosing to create in the world. I could never have imagined what this looked like or felt like, but here I am! We all have a story!

I am living proof that Self love is the BEST Super Power of all!~Shirene

Shirene Hayes Limbocker