Next stop the TOP!

Think about this for a moment, the depression was a blessing in disguise.  It reduced the whole world to a new starting point that gives every one a new opportunity.  This is the life we are all living at the moment.  

This virus that has spread throughout the world is affecting everyone.  Not just one socioeconomic class, but EVERYONE!  Most of us have been forced to live under house arrest to keep the spread of this virus under control.  Travelers have been grounded.  Children have been released from school.  Telecommuting is part of our life.  Most important, we have all been forced to communicate and reach out to each other in a new way.  

We have two choices right now, look at what is going on around us as a positive or a negative.  But both positive and negative thoughts cannot occupy our minds at the same time.  Faith (positive) and Fear (negative) are not friends and in fact cancel each other out.  When we think about our plans for the future and what we want our life to be, and at the same time have a profound feeling of scarcity and lack, we have just cut the cord of possibilities.  Right now, when you go to the grocery store and the shelves are bare, that is the energy of competition, lack and scarcity.  When people feel the need to hoard items, that is competition, lack and scarcity. 

It takes work to think positive instead of negative and not be influenced by appearances.  Yes there is a virus spreading the world, but the reality is health and abundance.  We all have the inherent ability to create our own reality.  Turn the television off!  One of my favorite sayings is "garbage in garbage out!"  If I choose to watch and listen to negative ideas and stories, that is what is feeding my conscious mind and most important, subconscious mind.  I do not watch shows about murderers, rapists, and pandemics.  Why would I?  I am not being naive, however, I do not need to fill my mind with the reality of why these people did what they did or the sensationalized media hype.  I will always choose to live my best life everyday and that includes the things I read, people in my life, the music I listen to, and the shows I choose to watch.

According to the energetic law of competition, one cannot be competitive and creative at the same time and it is important to remember that what I want for myself, I want for EVERYONE.  Whatever happened to the golden rule?  Do unto others as you would have done to you?  Does anyone even pay attention anymore?  

Now is the time to make your list of 300 things you want.  You read that right, 300 things you want.  If nothing else it will focus your mind on the positive and away from the negative.  I did this a few months back and it took me about 4 hours, but I did it.  There is no right or wrong with this, it is simply 300 things you want.  If I asked you, what do you want from your life, most people could not tell me.  Well, we are all under house arrest, there is no time like the present!  Get your family involved, have your children do this, perhaps they may make a list of 30 things they want.  Again, there are no right or wrong answers!  Guranteed you will struggle at about 75, but, keep going it is worth it!  I have things on my list as simple as putting lotion on my dry feet everyday before bed.  Just ask the question over and over "what do I want?" and listen in silence to what you are being told!  Write it down.  Then read it as many time during the day as you can.  Mine sits next to my bed and then travels with me to my desk and in my car, when I drive.  It is my constant companion.

Already I have crossed about 10% of the items off my list, and I just completed this 4 months ago!

Remember it is just as easy to think positive thoughts as it is negative thoughts, which are you choosing today?  Next stop the top is what I say!~Shirene