Look at yourself as if you are the most important person ever!

I heard someone say recently, “I want someone to look at me one day as if I am the most important person they have EVER seen.” Why cant we do that to ourselves every time we look in the mirror? Why do we need to place our worth on what someone else thinks? Are we not enough? These are all questions I think it is important to ask ourselves. Let me say that again…………”Are we not enough, that we must value our self by what someone else thinks?” I would like to suggest that it all begins with out mindset.  From the moment you wake up to the moment you rest your head at night.  Everything is up to you.  Your emotions, your thoughts, your perceptions, your reactions, every single moment.  When we put attention on what others think we devalue ourselves. 

Remember as a child and saying something out loud and having another child say to you “that is stupid!”  I sure do.  I remember being made fun of all the time.  I was not the normal child by any stretch of the imagination.  To put this in perspective, when I was 11 I was 5’11 wore a size 11 shoe and looked like I was 25.  It was expected that I should play basketball and volleyball…..uh NO!  I was way to girly for that.  We allow others to influence our choices, thoughts and ideas. 

Think about this, every time we disregard what we think feel or want, we chip away at our inner self.  If we choose to disregard our self enough, you can see it in photos.  I was just mentioning to my son, that we live in such an immediate society and have photos for days in our phones.  I find it astounding when I look at photos of myself from 5 or 6 years ago how absolutely miserable I was.  I truly believe that when we loose sight of who we are and what our needs are that is when we change.  STOP!  REMEMBER, we all matter, our thoughts, our idea, our feelings.  Do not disregard them!  I know with every breath I take now that I am the most amazing person ever.  I show up as my best self in everything I do.  It is easy when life takes over, STOP!  Stop, breath, and ask yourself, what do I want?  Talk to your self when you stand in front of the mirror.  I say to myself, “You are strong, beautiful and a badass bitch!”  If you only knew where I was emotionally and physically you would totally understand!

So, all we NEED to understand is if that one special person looks at us as if we are the most important person they have EVER seen


that is a BONUS!  But, we must be the person to look at our self as I am the most important person I  have EVER seen!~Shirene

Shirene Hayes Limbocker