Super Mero

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If you are planning for a lifetime EDUCATE people!

If you are planning for a year , sow rice.  If you are planning for a decade, plant trees.  If you are planning for a lifetime EDUCATE people!  

What exactly does this mean? First of all, It astounds me how many people spend more time planing their two week vacation than their life. So basically these people are sowing rice. Then there are those that are planning for a rainy day and have planted trees. Then there are those that are intentional about their thoughts, habits and thus end up creating an amazing life.

Do you know the only thing we have complete control over is our thoughts? We are all born geniuses and it is our society that teaches us things like judgement, hatred, and the inability to think and just accept what is. It takes work to look beyond what our eyes are telling us. We can look at our wallet and there is $20 in the wallet, but we need $200. The obvious is what? I have $20 in my wallet poor me! The ability to look past that is to say to myself, hmm, I have $20 in my wallet, what can I do to turn this into $200? Then think with your imagination, you will be surprised as what you can create! That is where the thoughts we think are challenged.

It is astounding when you break our life down into a simple algebraic equation, THOUGHTS + HABIT = OUR LIFE. I cannot get any clearer than that! It is so much easier to train a child to think in these terms than it is tore program us adults with years and years of toxic thoughts, habits and our lives out of control. I am living proof it can be done and you can develop children to grow up believing that there are no limits to what we can do!

Lets start with how we speak to our selves. I think we can agree that many of the things we tell ourselves daily, we would NEVER say to another living person! So why do we think it is ok to say to ourselves? HABIT!!! When there are children in this world that think they are not enough and are killing themselves at the age of 9 and 10, we need to wake up and do something! People, this is an epidemic! This is unacceptable on every level.

How about we start with this…….The three words in our language that are the most detrimental to our existence and society, are the words CANT, TRY and MAYBE. These are heavy words riddled with doubt and negativity. Lets start by rephrasing to say………I am , I can and I will. I am strong and lovable, I am valuable, I can do this, I will do this! Lets start right now ! Are you with me?

When my two sons were small, I literally removed Cant, try and maybe from the confines of our home. They were not allowed. For us, these were the proverbial swear words. My two sons are living a planned, intentional life they love to wake up to every day at the age of 26 and 27. It all started when they were young and has it always been easy? ABSOLUTELY NOT! But it has all been worth it! It is the little things we do everyday that make up the big things in our lives.

It is my hope for you and the world, that you plan for a lifetime and EDUCATE yourself!~Shirene