Super Mero

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Have you lost your sense of Wonder?

Remember when you were a child and would sit and watch planes take off and come in for a landing and wonder where the people were going or coming from?  Or what your life was going to be like as a grown up?  Or even just wonder what was for dinner?

Wonder is just a fun name for imagination.  As children we have such a great sense of wonder and then I think society beats that out of us.  We are taught just to accept what is and not question the who, what, where, why, and how.  

The ability to wonder is one of the many things we are all born with and can either develop or not.  Where would our world be if Einstein or Ford had no sense of wonder?  Just think about that for a moment.  Now you understand how wonder plays an important role in our lives.  

When you cook, do you follow the recipe 100%?  Some do, but I always wonder if i don't have all the ingredients what it will be like with something different.  When you drive to the store, do you enter the same way?  Ever wonder what the store looks like through the other door?  When you are traveling on a plane, ever wonder what the person's life is like sitting next to you?  

I think to have a developed sense of wonder is to truly live a rich full life.  My son recently sent me a card with a few sticky notes inside.  The first one said I am sending these to you to remind you how much I love you and to place them in places where you will see them often.  The first one read "lets start with I love you!"

The second was "Today do something random."  The third was "Listen to a new playlist while walking a different direction outside today."  The next day "Drive a different route today."  You get the point.  I have these notes and treasure them.  What a true sense of wonder to put them together.  Let me tell you, this whole thing made me feel so very special and loved that he took the time to put this all together and wonder how much fun I would have with the surprise.  Duh, who raised him?  

When you are brushing your teeth today, take a few moments, close your eyes and just wonder about your day.  What are you feeling?  What words are swirling in your head?  But most important, do not loose your sense of wonder.~Shirene