Super Mero

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Gotta plan?

No one ever wrote down a plan to be fat, broke, lazy and stupid.  These are things that happen when you don’t have a plan!   Do you realize most people spend more time planning a two-week vacation than their life?  I am not saying vacation planning is not important, but the thousands of hours in your life are a bit more important. 

Your vacation every year is your personal super bowl.  Your everyday life are the practices, and official games.  Do you want to be the person that watches everything from the sidelines or is participating on all levels? 

When we participate in our lives, we have thoughts about what we want.  Once we decide what we want, we formulate a plan to achieve our wants and desires.  The thoughts of what we want are easy, it is the daily practice and the weekly games that are the tough part.  Our beloved Kobe Bryant did not just wake up one day and say, I’m playing basketball and will inspire the world to be better!  He had a thought of playing basketball, formulated a plan, and practiced playing ball every single day!  This is what it takes to create a life we want and desire. 

Our life = our thoughts + our habits!  Simple right?  On the surface yes, but again, thinking what we want to think vs what reality says is the hardest work we will EVER do.  What does that look like?  We are practicing and twist an ankle.  Reality says we cannot continue potentially playing basketball because we are injured.  But we hold the thought of running down the court everyday bouncing the ball, shooting baskets, the crowd cheering and winning our weekly games.  We do this daily probably 20 hundred times a day while our ankle is recovering.  This positivity fuels our quick recovery and keeps us focused on resuming our practice and thus winning our weekly games.  I know it is a convoluted analogy, but you get the point.  Clearly, I am not a sports minded girl. 

When I was recovering from my reconstructive knee surgery a few years back, I was in a walker and on one leg.  I could not even drink a cup of coffee while standing without falling over.  For the first time in my entire life, I found myself living in a world of “I can’t!”  It was imperative to my recovery that I remain positive and continue to think about my life and not focusing on what I could not do.  Everyday I woke up I thought about walking onto a plane, sitting for hours and landing in a beautiful place to explore.  I thought about walking on different surfaces, what it looked like and felt like under my feet.  I thought about my surroundings.  What the hotel looked like I would stay in, what the bed felt like I would sleep in during my travels.  I thought about the food I would enjoy.  I made a list of places and things I wanted to experience and read that probably 20 times a day.  This is what it looks like to think about what you want regardless of appearances. 

Clearly, I was a mess physically and very limited in what I could do.   This time in my life was the most trying physically and emotionally.   By the way, I could not even shower by myself, or do laundry or even cook!  That was how limited I was in my world of I can’t! 

So, let me ask you………. what is your plan for your life?~Shirene