Anger is the punishment we give to ourselves for someone else's mistake!

Can you remember the last time you got angry?  I certainly cannot.  I just don’t get angry.  When something upsets me, I ask myself if this is worth the energy I am starting to put forth, and the answer is usually NO. 

We have all heard someone say, “they were just pushing my buttons to get me upset.”  That is exactly it, when we choose to react to someone else’s behavior that is a form of abuse and control.  My question is why would you choose to do this to yourself?

Read that last paragraph again.  Why would you choose to abuse yourself and let someone else’s behavior control you?  Often, we may choose this behavior out of habit.  It is what you have always done and what you will always do.  STOP!  Who is control of you, your thoughts and your life?  YOU! 

It takes time to over come these habitual behaviors we have had for so many years.  But it can be done.  I believe that if something is important enough, it is possible to find a way to make it happen.  The first step is recognizing the behavior.  The next step is to reprogram the thoughts we have.

The next time you get angry, breathe, take a step back and ask yourself why is this upsetting me?  When you look at the why, you can begin to change the reaction. 

One suggestion is to have a daily mantra.  I prefer, “I am so happy and grateful I remain calm in every situation.”  This has really assisted in my calm state.  I recently discovered something about a dear friend that would have normally caused all kinds of anger a drama perhaps, but me, I just took a deep breath and said to myself, there must be a logical explanation.  I knew there was nothing I could do to change the situation and why give away my energy to react to it.

The next time you feel angry, remember it is a form of abuse, control and you are punishing yourself for someone else’s mistake!~Shirene